Volunteer helpers
The contribution of a host of volunteer helpers to the success of the outdoor theatre season at Lytham Hall this summer has been warmly praised.
The family show Danny, the Champion of the World, on Bank Holiday Sunday afternoon August 28 will be the finale of the four play open air theatre season and organiser Julian Wilde has paid tribute to the commitment of his team of helpers.
“The hard work put in by a dedicated team of helpers at each of the plays has made my job as organiser a pleasure, enabling me to concentrate on the comfort of the audience and the presentation of the play itself.
They have done sterling work on gate admissions, car parking, refreshments, our charity raffles and, most importantly, making all our visitors feel at home. I am very grateful to everyone for their wholehearted support. ”
Julian Wilde had especial praise for his young meet and greet team, led by 17 year old Julia Munro from St. Annes.
“Visitors have travelled to Lytham Hall from all over the north of England, as well as theatre enthusiasts from the Fylde coast, and Julia and her friends have created a superb atmosphere for each play, despite some unsettled weather at times.”

The productions in June, July and August by Chapterhouse Theatre company and Illyria look set to attract close to 1600 theatre-goers and a capacity audience is expected for the Illyria family show which has been adapted for the stage by David Wood from Roald Dahl’s popular novel.
Tickets at £13, Concessions £10, £6.50, £3, on line via www.illyria.uk.com and locally at Plackitt and Booth, Booksellers, 796958 - Lytham Hall 736652 - Lowther Pavilion 794221 - Stringers Homelife 740700 –Apple– Storytellers, Inc 781690 - Bennetts Bakery 736318