St Peter's School
This week we had a moment of serendipity, which reminded us that the links between Lytham Hall and the community have existed for a long time. Browsing through the archives at Lytham Library we came across a letter, written in a very neat hand. It was dated 21st December 1933 and it was composed by the children of St Peter's School.
In the letter the children welcomed Violet Clifton, the Squire (her son Harry) and his sisters back to Lytham Hall. "With you in Lytham the town is like old times. The old ivy covered Hall will be occupied once again, and we know that you will be anxious to walk in the lovely grounds which surround it."
As chance would have it, next week a group of St Peter's School children are visiting our lovely grounds (though the Hall is no longer covered in ivy), to help transplant snowdrops on the Mount. We'll be handing over a copy of this letter, for their records.