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South Prospect Garden

As we near the end of 2014 we are focusing on completing phase I of the restoration project in the South Prospect garden. The wooden steps up the Mount using larch from our own parkland have almost been completed by our excellent team of “Mounties” volunteers. The contractors have erected traditional estate fencing to keep deer and rabbits out and are creating the hard landscaping including the parterre. This area remains closed to the public for the time being and we hope to complete the works in February. There have been a few archaeological discoveries along the way which have been protected in situ until further controlled archaeological work in 2015. Of course, all this work has meant the Diana car park is no more – after being put in by Guardian during their ownership the area has returned to a formal garden. This has reduced our car parking by one third and in 2015 we aim to develop the Paddock into an all-year, all-weather car park. We are looking at ways to seek sponsorship for this from local and national companies, and we’d be very happy to talk to anybody who would like to be involved. Without a larger car park, Lytham Hall will not be able to grow to its full potential as a visitor attraction. Cars will gradually be removed from the setting of the Grade I Listed House and the immediate Grade II Registered historic parkland which means an end to parking on the east lawn and verges creating a safer and more pleasant experience for everyone..

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ADDRESS: Lytham Hall, Ballam Road, Lytham, FY8 4JX

OFFICE PHONE: (01253) 736652
TEA ROOM PHONE: (01253) 736675 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.)



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Lytham Hall is owned by Lytham Town Trust (charity no. 1000098) and managed by  Heritage Trust for the North West (charity no. 508300).



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