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Magic in the air at Lytham Hall

Excitement is building with less than two weeks to go now to the finale of the open air play season at Lytham Hall. The outdoor performance by Illyria of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice on Sunday August 23 afternoon looks set to bring a very successful four-play season to a spectacular close.

Illyria’s performance of the traditional story, with the special music written by Paul Dukas familiar to many through the Disney film Fantasia, has been playing to substantial family audiences at venues all over the United Kingdom. These include a week at Cornwall’s famous Minack Theatre as well as shows at Fulham Palace, Hartland Abbey, Chepstow Castle and Tatton Park.

Artistic director Oliver Gray says that that his cast of six are relishing the chance to return to Lytham Hall towards the end of their marathon tour covering 133 days and 87 performances.

“They simply love the calmness of the beautiful parkland at Lytham Hall and always find that the Lytham audience is one of the most responsive on the tour,” he said.

Open air theatre organiser Julian Wilde believes that The Sorcerer’s Apprentice will bring the season to a happy conclusion.

“We have had three dry and sunny evenings in this rather mixed summer. The quality of the performances, the attendances and the atmosphere have all been first-class and it will be heart-warming to see so many children enjoying perhaps their first experience of live theatre. I am sure Illyria will do us proud once again. We have already sold a large number of tickets and I do advise everyone to book in advance as we are heading for a full house of 600. ”

Gates which will be open from 2 pm for picnickers and the audience should bring their own folding chairs or rugs. Tickets are £13, with concessions of £10 and £6.50.

Book on-line on Illyria’s website at or locally from Plackitt and Booth, Booksellers, Lytham phone 01 253 796958 : Lytham Hall 736652: Lowther Pavilion 794221: Stringers Department Store and Homelife, 740700: Bennetts Bakers, Ansdell : Storytellers Inc., St. Annes 781690: Silverdell Books, Kirkham 01772 683444


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ADDRESS: Lytham Hall, Ballam Road, Lytham, FY8 4JX

OFFICE PHONE: (01253) 736652
TEA ROOM PHONE: (01253) 736675 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.)



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Lytham Hall is owned by Lytham Town Trust (charity no. 1000098) and managed by  Heritage Trust for the North West (charity no. 508300).



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