Lytham Hall is a place for fit dogs

It is time for all the dog walkers at Lytham Hall to put their pooches to the test. How obedient is your dog?
Sunday 12th July sees the FITdogs annual Dog Show, in aid of Lytham Hall.
Entries are being taken from 11am and are £1.50 per class. The judge Lou Garton, from Wiltshire will start the first of 17 classes at 1pm, these include Adult and Child Handling Classes.
Other classes on offer are for Pedigree and Crossbreeds. Novelty classes open to all dogs and owners include the waggiest tail, and the funniest duo. Pet dog Obedience and Rally Obedience competitions - Rosettes and prize cards go to all those being placed 1st – 3rd with an overall BEST in Show.
Other attractions for children are Western style pony ride, local produce will be also be on sale.
Refreshments hot and cold will be available from the Tea Rooms.
Marianne Blaauboer, Activity Plan Officer said: “Our dog walking audience are here come rain or shine, and we welcome the return of the Fitdogs show to put them through their paces. The Cliftons loved their dogs – we wonder how obedient their dogs were! A great day is sure to be had for all participants and for all spectators too.”
Entry to the parkland on the day is £1 per person and 50p per child, 10.00am – 4.00pm.
For more information contact:- 01253 292223 or email:-